Friday, June 20, 2008

Session 5: Day of Consolidation

In a few hours, we will conclude this chapter on Assessing and Improving the Learning Environment. By no means does this indicate the end of the learning. The journey has just begun, except that I will have to walk the next lap on my own with the help of friends along the way, of course!

This morning started with a short lecture on Improving the LE, which is crucial if we want to ensure a conducive LE for students to learn. Dr Quek brought us back to the overview that she shared on the first day of course, stressing on the different components and influences each component has on the learning environment. After conducting a detailed research to assess the LE, it is important to make recommendations to improve the situation.
Wisdom is knowledge applied! If one goes away and do nothing after knowing the short-comings of the LE, the knowledge amounts to nothing! However, if we take the pain to implement changes, the knowledge will then bear fruit and learning increases, if not for the present cohort then for future cohorts. What we sow now will reap a rich harvest in time to come.

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